Route Alignment for Power Transmission Line using Drone
Before a Power Transmission line is constructed, a design survey to map the transmission corridor is necessary. This project employs both GNSS and Drone techniques. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are capable of providing meter-level accuracy in engineering surveys.
Transmission lines form the backbone in power networks, being the installations that transmit power over long distances. GIS plays a noteworthy role in route alignment optimization.
This study focuses on exploring the significance and impact of employing drones for surveying purposes in the terrain of Arunachal Pradesh. Using drones equipped with advanced imaging and data-capturing technologies will transform surveying methodologies, enabling precise and comprehensive data collection across diverse terrains and environments.
Using the network analyst tool on ArcGIS Pro software over the contour generated, the best path was selected by comparing the altitude difference between two contour lines. The generated best path is along the east side of the national highways crossing Magi village, measuring a length of 9.72 km with a mean elevation difference of 150 meters.
Using the same method between Likabali and Siji, the shortest path and left bank path were calculated as 7.71 km with an elevation difference of 526 meters, and 10.1 km with an altitude difference of 357 meters respectively, but most of the area falls under dense forest and on the other side of the river.